The general-purpose GNSS is a GNSS receiver developed for field geological disaster monitoring based on low-power ICs and high-precision positioning technology .
High frequency ; Stable data ; Supports multiple satellites and frequencies ; High integration ; Low power consumption
The 94 GHz millimeter-wave radar has been deployed in the construction of FOD commercial projects on the runways of Beijing Daxing International Airport and...
Its operational range is more than 1.2km, and 4 sensors under the typical tower height can achieve double coverage detection of the runway in 4F class airports.
Its operational range is more than 1.2km, and 4 sensors under the typical tower height can achieve double coverage detection of the runway...
The high-resolution radar imaging of runways is achieved via 94 GHz synthetic aperture technology.
Low-cost FOD solution ;Short construction period, "plug and play" ; Strong runway surface inspection capability ;Capable of detecting foreign objects of 1-cm in size ;Vehicle running speed: up to 80-km/h ;Sub-meter positioning accuracy.
RacoSensor has successively developed multiple series of radar products and their application systems for slope deformation monitoring and airport runway foreign object debris (FOD) detection.